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John & Margie

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Getting Ready To Leave Our Arizona Home

April 3rd 2010

Well it's that time again. Time to get things ready for our departure from our winter home to our summer home on Washington. Batten down the hatches, store the outside chairs, hoses, tables. etc. Turn off the water heater and water to the house on the morning we leave. The plants in our yard will still get the water they need to survive the hot Arizona summers.

Tomorrow is Easter. We will be up early for the Sunrise Service at the First Baptist Church. Then a potluck breakfast at the church. We will have to head home so that we can get things ready for Margie's step-daughter,Kelly, and two grand daughters that are coming to share a ham dinner with us. Kayla is 18 and Anna is 10. Margie has set up a "Treasure Hunt" for the girls to do. Ten clues hid in our back yard will lead them to their "Treasure". Margie is a grandmother to end all grandmothers!! Well more later as time permits.


  1. JOHN!! I am so proud of you for starting your blog! You will do great.

  2. FYI - Just a word of advise. It isn't wise to post a status or update indicating the status of your whereabouts b/c there are criminals that scan and read this public blog stuff.
